

Publicly Relating Like A Boss

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some hire public relations officers"

Public relations is the art of tricking people into liking you and making them think it was their idea. Sounds like dating right? 

Let's say you have the worlds greatest new product. As we all know the worlds greatest new product would be a time machine. 

Let's say you have a time machine, you need to sell it. So what do you do? 

Advertising guys will tell you to buy million dollar air time space and spend another million dollars on production costs. 

PR is all about earned media. Your PR people will get you on the Sci Fi channel and in Wired Magazinebasically PR relies on the oldest, truest, most real form of communication; Word of mouth.

Thanks to social media you no longer need to hire a fancy smancy PR firm or publicist to join in on the conversation. 

In case you haven't figured in out this far into the blog post, I have ulterior motives here; Watch this cool video, learn about PR, help me get an A and all the dogs on those Sarah Mclachlan commercials will be saved. 

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