

Lovers of loving love.

What is it about spring?

Touchy couples, talks on dating and marriage and that one stupid Enrique Englasis song.

It is everywhere.

Here is the thing, here at BYU-Idaho there is a HUGE emphasis on "getting married" which is great and important right? But guess what happens before you get married, you fall in love, supposedly. 

I mean I'm no expert, obviously, but it seems to me that you people are getting a little too excited about the wrong things.

Now in this alleged courtship process, there are a few things that should probably take place.

You should probably hold hands, you should probably awkwardly snuggle during a movie and make all of your roommates uncomfortable. Also, you should have fun.
Snoopy is fun

Just being in love is a major step missing from the infrastructure of the BYU-Idaho relationship.

Not that people don't fall in love, they do, obviously, but it is kind of put on the back burner compared to the essential task at hand of talking someone into spending eternity with you.

Cakes, dresses and wedding songs become much more pressing than the actual act of falling in cheesy, gooey, Julia Roberts love with each other.

okay, I admit it, I love this movie.

How do I know?

I live an apartment the size of my parents kitchen with 5 girls. If you have ever taken a girl on a second date I guarantee that she has at least THOUGHT about you in a tux. If not pre-ordered it for you.

Game over Bro.

That is not an exaggeration.

So I would like to command all you over zealous lovers to calm down and just be in love with each other, it's fun.

and while I am issuing commands, quit texting while you walk around campus. My life has been seriously jeopardized more than once by people shutting down like robots in the middle of campus.

The End.

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