


I think my favorite smell in the whole world is downtown Seattle during a festival. It's all about the fried ethnic food, sweat, and the salty air. I realize that may sound kind of gross, and it may actually be kind of gross, this is fine.

There are too many people in one place, all being different things. Families, business people and a million guys that look like kurt cobain.

Last summer at the Bite of Seattle I experienced a mishap. Not only did I leave my phone at a frozen yogurt booth, my lacksidasical shoes decided to malfunction in the middle of the huge summer shin dig.
  Although those are not my actual feet, this is pretty much what my actually feet looked like in this situation. 
This is what I wish my shoes looked like. ALWAYS. 

This is a fairly disastrous thing. For starters stepping on sidewalk barefooted and watching your skin fizzle off is not very pleasant. Second of all, I am almost positive that all kinds of diseases are waiting to infect themselves on unwary barefooted passersby.

I know what you are thinking, no biggie Jess, just go buy some shoes. That is what I was thinking too, so i meandered over to the nearest shoe selling booth and purchased some of those cheap rip off touristy shoes that only 12 year old's and really poor shoeless girls buy.

 Anyway, this is a pretty non big deal experience, but it was fun, and today i miss Seattle and I would prefer to not walk to class in a blizzard.

This picture is not at a festival, or in Seattle ( its in Anacortes, which is more Seattle then the people from Enumclaw who say they are from Seattle) I love this picture, pretty much because I am wearing pink pants.

1 comment:

  1. smells are one of the best memory triggers.
