

Jezka vs The Pretty, Famous Lady

The only REAL, famous, non-Mormon celebrity I have ever interacted with was once upon a time, in a little place I like to call Disneyland.

I was minding my own business at that BBQ place right outside the Indiana Jones ride. I was inhaling animal flesh on a stick (aka a shishkabob) when suddenly, my friends pointed out a super gorgeous girl sitting a few tables away from us.

My friend Kim INSISTED that she recognized said Gorgeous Girl from somewhere. I was pretty preoccupied by the aforementioned flesh clinging to the spear I had naively paid way too much money for, and therefore I did not pay that much attention, but my friends began to brainstorm where gorgeous girl was from.

Eventually I got fed up with the vapid conversation, and the fact that I could not slurp up the last morsels of my shishkabob without shredding my gums to death by the unnecessarily pointy shishkabob thing, and headed over to confront gorgeous girl about her mysterious identity.

Anyway, in my usual timid manner, I marched over to where she was seated and pulled the trustworthy line that Mormon men have been relying on for years to hook themselves a wife (Except I left the follow up preexistence line out.)

"You look so familiar, do I know your from somewhere?"

Gorgeous Girl modestly blushed and exchanged a knowing look with her equally gorgeous male counterpart.

(By the way, if beautiful people only continue to mate with equally beautiful people, and average people mate with average people, will it make it so eventually we have an extremely divided class of beautiful vs average. Food for thought?)

Anyway, in a very soft and ladylike voice she responded with this.

" A lot of people recognize me from when I was on a show called Growing Pains when I was a little kid, I played Chrissy."

I had in fact stumbled across the path of Ashley Johnson, who at one point in her early life had played Chrissy Seaver.

At that moment, years of Disney Channel reruns plummeted into my mind and I was completely star struck.

Anyway, after informing her what a HUGE fan I was, my friends directed me away from the pretty famous lady and I moved on with my life.

But it was still totally awesome, and a little sad that I TOTALLY turned to jello around the famous person.
Don't judge. They are merely victims of their time.

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